When the daily screen time average for teens in the U.S. is over eight hours per day, it’s no surprise that these apps have become more than just apps – they are slowly redefining what it looks like to grow up in this day and age.
Adolescence is one of the most significant times for brain development as this is the time when learning to manage emotions and develop necessary life skills come into play. According to Health Matters, social media disturbs the development of young brains and can reduce the integrity of the structures that support early literacy.
“As a teacher, I’ve seen both positive and negative impacts of social media on communication skills for adolescence. On the positive side, social media provides opportunities to make connections, especially for those who struggle with doing so face to face. They get a sense of community and belonging through it which is important for social development. The downside is that they may prioritize online interactions over in person communication which can lead to difficulty learning non-verbal cues, empathy and active listening skills,” said Carla Jurgensmeyer, psychology teacher.
Due to social media playing such a large role in many young lives, these online personalities have become a powerful voice and hold a strong influence. From shaping the way viewers think to the way they dress, influencers are looked up to as role models among their young audience. With millions of impressionable followers on these platforms, some might worry this level of influence is problematic, encouraging unrealistic expectations or even excessive consumerism.
“I see the impact the media has with my students and I even see it with my own kids. They start to repeat words and phrases that these influencers use, they start dressing like them, and it’s not necessarily a good thing,” said Amy Farrar, oral communication teacher.
With terms arising such as ‘Sephora Tweens’ and ‘Ipad Kids,’ it doesn’t come as much of a surprise that even children as young as two-years-old are being put in front of a screen and are actively being impacted by problematic media.
“I remember watching a lot of TV as a kid, probably for multiple hours a day. I would say I definitely wasted a lot of time doing that when I could have been playing outside or even things like coloring,” said Jayceon Alarcon, 10.