Track season is pending due to the pandemic

With indoor track season officially cancelled, the fate of outdoor track is in question.

Due to the mishaps of 2020, the RHS Mountie track season is dangling in the balance, with no guarantees of whether or not there will be a season. Indoor track has already been cancelled and this is just the beginning.

Cancelling the indoor track season has affected the track team as a whole, forcing student athletes to adapt to the new guidelines and circumstances in order to have a season. 

“It limits the opportunities for kids,” said Tony Roller, girls track coach. 

The limitations that have been brought into the season has had the effect of student athletes missing out on experiences.

“I miss track meets because I miss meeting new people,” said Naa Engmann, 12. 

Along with meeting new people, another thing that will be missed about the indoor season is the environment overall. 

One student will miss “just being able to experience running in a different setting other than running outdoors and getting to meet all the other teams and people,” said Leah Nguyen, 10. 

Another challenge that has already presented itself for runners is maintaining a work out and conditioning routine.

Contact tracing for Covid-19 has presented a challenge for runners to stay in shape and get in all of their workouts, Roller said. 

Despite all these challenges, there is still hope in the atmosphere. Along with hope, there are also goals and expectations.

“Our team is trying to win the state championship and trying to get a chance to compete,” Roller said. 

“After our season was canceled last year, I’m honestly just hoping to compete in at least one meet and maybe have a season,” Nguyen said. 

Along with transforming the season completely, it has also negatively affected the mindset of some track and field members.

Covid-19 has caused a mental block in that she is not able to see her improvement throughout the season as accurately, Engmann said. 

Even with all the uncertainty in the air, the track team as a whole is still clinging to hope. 

Despite all the challenges, Roller said he thinks that track will be granted the opportunity to have a season and participate in meets.